USD 480 Meets, Approves Purchase of 200,000 Disposable Masks

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening and approved the motion to table the renewal of the Student & Athletic insurance.

The Board accepted the lone bid from Davis Pest Control for the 2020-2021 school year in the amount of $18,050.00.

Also approved was the purchase of additional insulated food delivery bags (350) to facilitate breakfast and lunch in the classroom flexibility at the elementary and middle schools due to COVID 19 from Sterno Delivery in the amount of $11,934.40

The USD 480 Board also approved the bid from Fastenal, Liberal, KS in the amount of $72,000 for the purchase of 200,000 disposable face masks.

Mrs. Evans and Dr. Carter providde information about draft reopening plans for the district to the Board and the Board also reviewed the budget for the 20-21 school year. .