TOPEKA, Kan. – On average, more than 415 traffic crashes occur over the Fourth of July weekend in Kansas each year. This is attributed to increased traffic and impaired drivers.
To keep families safe this July Fourth, Kansas officials will be focused on keeping impaired drivers off the road. In Kansas, nearly one in four motor vehicle fatalities are due to an alcohol-impaired driver. During the holiday weekend, there will be a zero-tolerance policy in effect for those who drive impaired.
“In 2018, 88 Kansans died because of drunk driving,” said KDOT Secretary Julie Lorenz. “Impaired drivers are a threat to us all. Please help everyone get home safely by making sure drivers are sober before they get behind the wheel.”
Kansas drivers headed out to celebrate the Fourth of July should take simple safety precautions to reduce their chances of harming themselves or others. These include:
· Do NOT drive after consuming alcohol or smoking marijuana
· Use sober designated drivers or make alternative arrangements for lodging
The simple choice of planning ahead to not drive is vitally important and could save lives.