Wednesday afternoon, the Unified Command of the Emergency Operations Center met to prepare recommendations for reopening. These recommendations will be presented to the Seward County Commission at a special meeting scheduled for 5:00pm Thursday, May 28.
The Emergency Operations Center leadership will recommend that based on current conditions, Seward County residents and businesses should continue to adhere to the phases and guidance in the state’s most current Ad Astra plan. Modifications will be suggested to allow an increase in gatherings of up to 30 individuals in Phase 2 (the current phase) rather than 15; and 90 individuals in Phase 3, rather than 45.
As long as our local situation continues to improve, Phase 2 will remain in place until June 7 with Phase 3 beginning June 8. A Phase Out would begin June 22, but this date is flexible depending on local numbers.
Finally, all businesses will be allowed to re-open during Phase 2, which would include bars and nightclubs, so long as they adhere to the mass gathering limits.
Testing will continue as will contact tracing, quarantine, and isolation of positive cases and contacts.
The public should continue to follow social distancing and hygiene recommendations.
Local businesses, organizations, and government entities can adopt more restrictive measures that fit circumstances unique to each business, organization, or government entity.
The Emergency Operations Center will continue to offer guidance and support.
This proposal will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners, who will make the final decision.