The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and approved the submission for the yearly Comprehensive Plan and supporting documents to the Kansas Department of Correction. There is no cost to the County for this.
The Commission also approved the budget adjustments for JCAPS in the amount of $14,400.00 and also approved the JCAPS FY21 Comprehensive Plan budget narrative and spreadsheets.
The Seward County Commissioners approved the lease for a new Sharp MX-4071 from Southern Office to replace the current 5-year old MFP in place now.
Monday evening Dispatch Console furniture was tabled pending letting the project out for bid. This purchase would be paid from the 911 fund which is not a tax levied fund. The funds in this account are from 911 fees collected on phone bills.
Commissioners approved room cleaning and carpet cleaning agreements for the housing of individuals isolated or quarantined pursuant to orders issued by the Local Health Officer. Cost is as follows: $425.00 per room sanitized & carpets cleaned for Patterson Cleaning
$55.00 per room for Myriad Restoration for non-positive cases of COVID-19.
The Commission approved Personal Protective Equipment Decontamination Services Agreement with Battelle Memorial Institute to operate the Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System for use in decontaminating compatible N95 or N95 – equivalent respirators for reuse by healthcare personnel to prevent exposure to pathogenic biological airborne particulates when there are insufficient supplies of Filtering Facepiece Respirators during COVID-19 pandemic.
The Commission also discussed and agreed at the recommendation of the Unified Command to follow Gov. Kelly’s plan to re-open the County and State but will consider at a future special meeting, extending the County’s Emergency Declaration.