While the Seward County Health Department didn’t release numbers over the weekend, these are the latest numbers from the KDHE and surrounding counties. Test results show that in Seward County 547 individuals test results have come back positive for COVID 19. 699 tests have come back negative. 67 Individuals have recovered from COVID 19.

Around the area, Stevens County has 12 positive cases compared to 91 negative cases with 5 recovered, Haskell County 7 positive cases and 36 negative cases, Morton County has 3 positive cases and 25 negative cases, Grant County has 8 positive case and 47 negative cases, Meade County has 10 positive cases 41 negative cases, Ford County has 815 positive cases with 1076 negative cases, Stanton County has 4 positive cases, 13 negative cases and Finney County has 550 positive cases and 491 negative cases. Cimarron County has 1 positive case, Beaver County has 14 positive cases while Texas County has 201 positive tests. Ochiltree County/Perryton TX has reported 19 positive cases with 2 non resident positives.

Hospitalizations due to COVID-19

Seward County – 10 hospitalized
Ford County – 12 hospitalized
Finney County – 8 hospitalized
Stevens County – 1 hospitalized
Some of the individuals have been discharged from the hospital.

Deaths due to COVID 19
Ford County – 2
Finney County – 3
Seward County – 0

Statewide in Kansas there has been 5030 positive tests, 31,748 negative tests, and 134 deaths related to COVID 19.

Oklahoma has registered a total of 3972 positive tests, 66,084 negative tests, and 234 deaths have been attributed to the Coronavirus.