Seward County residents are required to quarantine two weeks if they travel to multiple areas of the state and country. However, the Seward County Health Officer Dennis Knudsen in consultation with local leaders has made an exception. An emergency health order says individuals are specifically exempted from the quarantine requirements if they are traveling for medical reasons. However, businesses and organizations should contact the Seward County Health Department or Seward County Emergency Management for guidance if one of their employees travels to medical reasons.
Last week it was announced that any Seward County resident who travels to or from Oklahoma City, Edmond, Norman, Moore, Tulsa, Amarillo, Canyon and Connecticut are required to quarantine for 14 days. These areas are added to the previous Seward County quarantine list which is still in effect for the Kansas City metro area, Wichita/Sedgwick County, Topeka/Shawnee County, Louisiana, Colorado, Florida, California, New York, Washington (state), Illinois, and New Jersey. Seward County residents who travel to these areas are required to quarantine at home for 14 days.
The new order also says individuals or groups isolated or quarantined may request a hearing in Seward County District Court contesting the isolation or quarantine.