Corona Virus Numbers Rise in Both Positive and Negative Test Results

With the KDHE numbers coming in on Wednesday afternoon, positive cases of the COVID 19 virus continue to rise. As of 2:30pm Wednesday, positive cases have reached 482. Within those positive cases, 10 people have died due to complications of the disease. However as positive test result climb, so do the Negative test results. In the same time frame, 5,411 test results have come back negative. Of the 482 positive cases, only 114 have required hospitalization, most have quarantined at home.

Demographics show 242 females and 240 males have tested positive with a median age of 55. The highest concentration of the cases are in the Northeast part of Kansas with 142 cases in Johnson County, 93 in Wyandotte County, 31 in Douglas County, 25 in Leavenworth County, and 18 in Shawnee County. Sedgwick County reports 64 positive cases. In Southwest Kansas, only 2 cases have been confirmed, 1 in Stevens County and 1 in Finney County. For a complete update, go to

Be safe, wash your hands, avoid sick people, avoid touching your face, cover your cough or sneeze, clean and disinfect frequently touched objects, and follow the guidelines of the Stay at Home Order.