City of Liberal Awarded Transit Grants for City Bus

More than $7.4 million has been award to 33 transit projects across the state that have been selected as part of the Kansas Department of Transportation’s new Access, Innovation, and Collaboration program. The projects were announced at the statewide Transit Day news conference today at the Capitol.

More than 10 million urban and rural transit rides are provided annually across the state. This program will ultimately improve transit access and services for transit users in Kansas.

“Currently, we have transit services in more than 90 counties. That is growing, and we need to keep it growing,” said Rep. Richard Proehl. “Quality transit services are important for the health of citizens and for our economy.”

Transit projects selected include:

City of Liberal

Vehicle Storage Facility $593,440

Vehicle Security Cameras $21,227

Shelters for Existing Stops $40,000