School Board Candidate Filing Set to Begin Monday, December 2, in Texas County

Candidates for the Board of Education in 9 Texas County school districts will file their Declarations of Candidacy beginning at 8 a.m. on Monday December 2, and continuing Tuesday and Wednesday, Texas County Election Board Secretary SIERRA MARTINEZ said today.
Martinez said the official filing period ends at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. All candidate filings will occur at the Texas County Election Board office, 301 N MAIN STREET, in GUYMON, MARTINEZ said.
The Board of Education positions at stake will be filled at the Board of Education Primary Election scheduled February 11, 2020 and the Board of Education General Election on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. If only two candidates file, the position will be filled at the General Election. If more than two candidates file, a Primary Election will be held. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the total votes cast in the Primary Election, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes will meet in the General Election.
Candidates may file for the following offices:

Guymon School District—Office No. 5
Optima School District—Office No. 2 which has a 3-year term of office.
Hooker School District—Office No. 5
Tyrone School District— Office No. 5
Hardesty School District—Office No. 5 Office No. 4 which is an unexpired 5-year term of office.
Goodwell School District—Office No. 5 Office No. 4 which is an unexpired term with 4 years remaining.
Texhoma School District—Office No. 5
Yarbrough School District—Office No. 5
Straight School District—Office No. 2 which has a 3year term of office.

For more information, contact the Texas County Election Board Office Phone @ 580-338-7644 or stop by the office as they do have candidate filing packets printed and available if anyone needs one.