Seward County Commission to Meet on Monday October 7th

The Seward County Commission will meet on Monday October 7th at 5;30pm with a full agenda.  Among the items included for the Commission to consider is a Proclamation for National 4-H Week, Fiscal Year 2020 Carryover, 2019 Quarterly Report and Interlocal Agreement Resolution.

Also for the Commission to consider will be a Roll-off Truck Purchase, Cab and Chasis purchase, Election Equipment and an increase in the Cash Drawer for the Health Department. Also for the Health Department, the Commission will consider the WIC contract and a Lease Renewal for a Multi-Functional Printer.

Resolutions before the Commission are the Authorizing Real Estate Tax Foreclosure and one regarding the Placement of Signs during the election period.

A board appointment to the Council on Aging will be before the Commission to fill, as will the 2019 Audit Contract with Hay, Rice, and Assoc. and the Design Contract Review with Willdan Energy.