Western Kansas Scholastics Art Show now at the Baker Arts Center from
January 27– February 22, 2019 with a
Closing Ceremony scheduled for February 22, 2019 at 1 pm
This is an annual juried exhibit which determines who goes on to the National Scholastic Art Show. Only Gold Key and American Vision Award Winners get that privilege.
“The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards began as a small writing contest with a $5 prize and 6 winning applicants in 1923. Today, more than 75,000 students from across the nation participate annually,” says the National website. “It continues to be the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition program for creative teenagers, and the largest source of scholarships for talented young artists and writers.”
Although works can be viewed at the Center beginning on January 27th, as is Western Kansas Scholastic Show tradition, a Public Closing Reception will end the exhibit on February 22th at 1pm at the Seward County Community College Showcase Theater. Baker Arts Center is honored to host the students and their work for this exhibit.