The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening and listened to a presentation from HTK Architects for cost estimates of several projects to complete the remaining bond funds. Added to the agenda was authorization to move forward with plans to renovate science classrooms and labs at LHS.
In action items, the BOE approved a change to the LHS student fees beginning in August 2018. The approved changes are to charge a flat student fee of $80.00 and a $25.00 textbook rental fee. The flat fee includes grade level, program specific, student ID’s, and planners. The Drivers Education and technology insurance fee will remain separate.
Also approved were updates to several board policies, including the technology employee and student use agreement, and the student meal charging policy. However, the outdoor storage buildings for the elementary schools failed to pass the BOE with a vote of 2-3.
Presented as information only, the BOE discussed proposed changes to the LHS graduation recognition and the budget for the 18-19 school year.