Parsons to Step Down as Economic Development Director for the City of Liberal

In a letter sent via email, Jeff Parsons, Economic Development Director for the City of Liberal, has stated his intentions to step down after 12 years of service to the community, to pursue other goals.The letter reads as follows:

“July 2, 2018


I want to let you know that I have resigned my position with the City of Liberal effective August 31st.  It has been both an honor and a pleasure working for the City for almost twelve years and we are parting on the best of terms.  I’m leaving to pursue something on a full-time basis that I have done periodically over the years and I am very excited about this new chapter in my life.  After August 31st, If you have any questions regarding past, current or future development in Liberal, please call City Manager, Calvin Burke at 620-626-2201.  He will take care of anything you need.

Before I leave I want to say thank you to the business owners, development professionals, consultants, local & state government folks, bankers, attorneys, engineers, and many others I have worked with over the years. Many of you I now consider to be friends and I hope we will be able to stay in touch!

Mostly, I will miss working on a daily basis with the City’s Staff.  There is not a more knowledgeable, professional and fun-loving team of people anywhere.


Jeff Parsons

Director of Economic Development

City of Liberal, Kansas”
Several Developments, projects, and jobs have come to fruition under Parsons direction.