The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and after comments from citizens, accepted a dividend check from Employers Mutual Company through Al Shank Insurance in the amount of $96,352.06.
Commissioners then adopted Ordinance 4500 which finalizes the Special Assessments for the North Liberal Project.
The City then through a consensus, approved the methodology for a franchise agreement with Black Hills Energy.
Purchases were approved for the Public Grounds for a ABI Force Zero Turn Turf Machine in the amount of $27,911.30 and the purchase of a 5 foot 3 point Land Plane from Keating Tractor in the amount of $1,390.00
After information was presented to the Commission regarding the Self Help Housing Program, Commissioners voted to complete the houses that are currently being worked on, but to end the program with the USDA and not finish the completion of the grant and the additional 5 homes that had been allotted for in the current grant. A total of 68 homes were built under the program.
Commissioners approved the transfer of $40,000.00 from the Builders Incentive Program to the First Time Home Buyers Program and approved the contract with Earles Engineering for the Pine Street and Second Street design.
The City Commission agreed to move forward with the KPERS 457 Plan, entered into discussion on CMB/Alcohol Sales in the City, and approved moving $200,000.00 from the Economic Development portion of the one cent sales tax to assist in funding maintenance at the airport.
Commissioners approved moving interim Police Chief Dennis Mulanax to Police Chief and approved his contract.