The LHS Football Mom’s and others will be hosting a fundraising event Saturday April 28th, 6:00pm at Bisteca in Liberal!
This Sports Memorabilia extravaganza will feature autographed items of all types! Everything from local Sports Heroes to Hall of Fame athletes! This event is a must attend for the novice to the serious collector! There will be something for everyone, with special guests in attendance! Come support LHS football and their return to glory! Bisteca will be donating 10% of all food sales Saturday night to Redskin Rally!! So just by coming out to eat, you’re supporting LHS Football! Items to be auctioned include:
Club Level Seats to a Kansas State Football Game
Larry Johnson KC Chiefs autographed jersey
Lamar Chapman/Chris Brown LHS #11 Redskin jersey
Melvin Sanders LHS autographed #34 jersey
Marcus Pollard Indianapolis Colts autographed jersey
Jerrod Niemann LHS #77 autographed jersey
Kimble Anders KC Chiefs autographed mini helmet
Mercury Morris Miami Dolphins autographed mini helmet
Jeremy Tuman/Eric Rosel Michigan autographed mini helmet
Cliff Abbott NY Giants autographed mini helmet
Jeremy Tuman Pittsburg Steelers autographed mini helmet
Tony Dorsett Dallas Cowboys autographed min helmet
Trace Haskell/Al Shank KU autographed mini helmet
Britton Abbott OSU autographed mini helmet
Greg Pruitt Cleveland Browns autographed pocket helmet
Gary Cornelsen/John Kendall autographed football with State Championship history with case
Lynn Scott Dallas Cowboys autographed football
Lamar Chapman Cleveland Browns autographed Rookie Card
Lamar Chapman Kansas State autographed Football
Lamar Chapman K-State framed team poster
LHS State Champions 2011 Team signed soccer ball
Hunter Pence Bobble Head
Hunter Pence autographed baseball card
Hunter Pence Houston Astros autographed mini helmet
Chicago Cubs”The Curse” book and replica 2016 World Series ring
Gale Sayers autographed football
Gale Sayers “Kansas Comet” autographed print
Gale Sayers autographed hand print
Billy Sims autographed OU 8×10 picture
Sam Bradford OU Heisman Trophy winner autographed picture
Joe Montana autographed Beckett Magazine
Kobe Bryant LA Lakers autographed 8×10 picture
Tamarick Vanover KC Chiefs autographed football
Erica Davis Denver Broncos Cheerleader autographed 8×10 picture
8- Laker Cheerleader team pictures autographed by Erica Davis
6 Denver Bronco Cheerleader autographed posters
2015 Denver Broncos Cheerleader autographed calendar
Jerame Tuman Pittsburg Steelers autographed picture
Mike Hargrove Seattle Mariners autographed 8×10 picture
Mike Hargrove Cleveland Indians autographed mini home plate
Mike Hargrove autographed MLB jersey vest
Ken Berry Chicago White Sox autographed 8 1/2×11 picture
Bill Self KU autographed wood Jayhawk
Bill Self autographed KU basketball
Terry Tiffee Twins autographed picture
Warren Moon Houston Oilers autographed poster
Boomer Esiason, Carl Banks, Ronnie Lott autographed picture
2004-2005 KU Baskeball team framed poster
Kelby Tomlinson San Francisco Giants autographed baseball
Goose Gossage NY Yankees autographed baseball
2009 Region 6 Champion SCCC team signed baseball
2002 Region 6 Runner-up SCCC team signed baseball
LHS Football players will be auctioned for labor
Jerrod Niemann autographed t-shirts, jewery, cd’s and more!