City Commissioner Justin Varnes Resigns

At Tuesday evenings City Commission meeting, Mayor Connie Seigrist read a letter from City Commissioner Justin Varnes. The letter, addressed to the Mayor, Interim City Manager Calvin Burke, and City Attorney Lynn Koehn, contained Varnes’ resignation from the Commission. The letter was received  at 2:54 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. The statement from Commissioner Varnes was as follows:

“Due to personal reasons, I will be resigning from the City of Liberal Commission effective immediately,” “After much counsel with close acquaintances, friends and family, I have decided the job of city commissioner is not in the best interest of my family and I am choosing to focus my time, dedication and efforts on my personal life and my family. This will serve as the only correspondence I will have on the matter and I would appreciate your acceptance of this resignation and for the matter to be dealt with personally and respectfully. Thank you for the opportunity to serve, and I wish nothing but the best for the City of Liberal.  Justin Varnes.”

The Commission will best determine how to fill the vacancy on the Commission.