Liberal City Commission Meets, Elects Seigrist Mayor, Fires City Manager Hall

The Liberal City Commission met Monday night and said goodbye to Mayor Joe Denoyer and Commissioners Dean Aragon and Dave Harrison, as their terms were up.

Also during items from Citizens, Police Chief Al Sill announced he would be retiring April 2, 2018. However shortly after the meeting, according to Commissioners, the Police Chief was fired and Dennis Mulanax was appointed acting Police Chief. Mulanax was a former officer with the Liberal Police Department and was most recently the head of security for Seward County Community College.

The new Commissioners, Connie Seigrist, Taylor Harden, and Justin Varnes were sworn in. After the swearing in, Connie Seigrist was elected Mayor and Taylor Harden Vice Mayor.

The Commission then, after a series of executive sessions, voted to terminate City Manager Mark Hall, and also voted not to pay his contract.

Calvin Burke, Water Department supervisor was named Interim City Manager. Debbie Giskie was reinstated as Airport Manager.