KDOT’s Merrill Atwater Receives FAA Impact Award

Merrill Eisenhower Atwater, the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Aviation Division Director, was presented with the 2017 Federal Aviation Administration Impact Award today during a ceremony at the Kansas Statehouse.

The award recognizes the leadership and ingenuity that the recipient has shown in the promotion and support of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Atwater was selected by the FAA’s Regional Administrator Joseph N. Miniace.

“Merrill’s commitment to developing aviation in Kansas is as deep as his roots,” said Governor Sam Brownback. “There is no greater champion of aviation and innovation in the state, which is why it is suitable that this award is presented to Merrill Atwater.”

“Merrill Atwater is an incredible advocate for aviation in Kansas,” said Secretary of Transportation Richard Carlson. “From education to economic development, Merrill has the ability to see the vision of an aviation project or development and how it can impact the people around it. He is very deserving of this honor.”

Atwater has served as the Director of Aviation for KDOT since February 2016. In this role Atwater works with the FAA, collaborates with aviation stakeholders across the state and oversees KDOT aviation programs.