Voters Approve Propositions in Texas County

Voters went to the polls Tuesday in Texas County with propositions on the ballot for both Tyrone and Guymon schools.

In Tyrone, the voters overwhelmingly supported both questions. Proposition 1 allows the Tyrone Schools to remodel and update restrooms district wide and acquire a school owned vehicle to transport students and faculty to and from school sponsored events. This passed by 95.5% in favor, 4.35% against.

Proposition 2 allows the District to acquire a bus for pupil transportation. 91.30% of the voters in Tyrone approved this question

In Guymon, voters approved their proposition by over 70%. The question in Guymon addresses an addition to Prairie Elementary and renovations at the school and a concession building and bathrooms at Memorial Stadium.

Prairie Elementary will see 18 new classrooms, a media center, new P.E. Facility, Safe Rooms, new bus and car loop for student pick up and drop off, and renovate the entire building.

A total of 1,218 voters came out in Guymon, 92 voters in Tyrone.