480 School Board Approves New Positions

The USD 480 school board met Monday night and approved new positions primarily due to a teacher shortage.  The board created 13 new para professional positions in the schools.  Four paras go to Prairie View, four to Cottonwood, two to Sunflower, two to Meadowlark, and one to MacArthur.  The new paras will be hired as soon as possible.

The board also approved four new maintenance positions for the district.  The board approved a new position called a security and sustainability monitor.  The person in this positions will keep track of security issues throughout the district.

There is the need for asbestos abatement at the old Garfield School.  Remediation Contractors will remove asbestos for $41,280 and Paradign Group Asbestos Management will monitor the asbestos removal process not to exceed $12,775.  Garfield will be torn down with this process is finished.

The board approved the purchase of choir risers for MacArthur, Meadowlark, Sunflower, and Seymour Rogers for $21,792.  The board approved new poster makers for LHS and Eisenhower for $25,060.