Seward County Commissioners met Monday evening and immediately Proclaimed October 1-October 7 as 4-H Week.
Commissioners approved the Seward County Fire Department to seek bids for a new Fire Apparatus, and tabled the Adoption of the Mitigation Plan so Commissioners have more time to read throught the entire plan.
Seward County Commissioners also approved up to$37,500 for consultant fees for the proposed Hayden Tower, and approved as presented the Policy for Social Media to broadcast various County meeting via social media sites, Facebook Live etc.
Commissioners also added 3 agenda items. Discussion was held about landscaping for the new 4-H Building, and a change order was approved for White Roofing in the amount of $2,383.00. The Commission also voted to send a letter to Ciscor disputing the additional expenses billed to the County for services to the IT Department.