The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting started with a Proclamation being read declaring September 17-23 as Constitution Week.
Commissioners approved a flow meter for the Water Department in the amount of 6,993.36, approved the purchase of equipment for the Police Departments 2017 Ford Intercepter Utility Vehicles in the amount of $27,250, and approved a 1 year renewal with Retail Strategies for $28,000.
Also approved was a 10 year Water Renewal Contract with Arkalon Energy.
City Commissioners approved the acceptance of the FEMA and KDEM reimbursement for the January ice storm in the amount of $902,495.29. The Commission then allocated the funds as follows:
$40,000 to reimburse the Liberal Pride City Wide One Cent Sales Tax
$74,367.53 to reimburse wages and benefits
$37,477 Incurred Operational Expenses
$2,420 Allocate Volunteer Assistance Funds to SCCC
$788,230.47 Transfer to Equipment Reserve Fund.