Storm Damage Clean Up Update

The Seward County Landfill, in cooperation with the City of Liberal Commission, the Seward County Commission and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Waste Management, have approved a Natural Disaster Debris: Request for Waiver of Solid Waste Tonnage Fees to allow residents of the City of Liberal and Seward County to dispose of their storm debris at no cost in the Seward County Landfill. The waiver has been granted for 60 days from the date of this release.
To qualify, residents of Seward County / City must:
* Be certain that the debris includes only items damaged by the storm, NO ORDINARY TRASH OR REFUSE MAY BE DUMPED UNDER THIS PROGRAM.
* Call the Seward County Clerk’s Office at 620-626-3355 or register on line at On the home page look for 2017 Flood Damage on the left side of the screen, then follow the links to register.
* Seward County residents may pick up a voucher for free dumping of storm debris at the Seward County Landfill, located on East 8th Street and Highway 54. Their phone number is 620-626-3266.
* City of Liberal residents may pick up a voucher for free dumping of storm debris at the City of Liberal Building Department located in City Hall at 324 N. Kansas Avenue. Their phone number is 620-626-2261. An inspector will assess the quantity of flood debris and whether additional assistance is needed.
The Seward County Landfill is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Need a Hand?
Several volunteer groups are preparing to respond to Liberal/ Seward County to assist individuals who are in need of assistance to “muck out” and clean up following the flooding. We also need to know about any physical damage that has occurred and that you may need assistance in correcting. If you have already called in/registered online to the Seward County Clerk’s Office; we will be contacting you. If you have not called in or registered online, please do so and let us know what specific assistance is needed.
Persons with uninsured losses should also be sure to register with the Seward County Clerk’s Office so we can direct groups to assist you.