Liberal City Commission Meets and Approves Matching Funds for City Bus

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting.

Among the items on the agenda, the Commission approved the rezone of a parcel of property near Prairieview Elementary School from R2 to R3 Multi Family Dwelling. This will allow for the construction of multi family housing.

The Commission also set June 27 at 5:30pm for the date and time for the TIF public hearing. This is for the Redevelopment Project Area 1 in North Liberal.

Commissioners approved the Advisability of Issuing Taxable Industrial Revenue Bonds through Resolution 2262, approved the acceptance of the KDOT grant and approved the matching funds with KDOT to continue the City Bus program, approved expending funds from  Airport Land Sales as approved by the FAA, for runway restriping, not to exceed $90,000.00, and approved Police Department IT Data Storage Upgrades in the Amount of $12,954.08.