The Seward County Commission met Monday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the commission agreed to let Southwest Housing LLC to continue with their development.

Commissioners approved the bid from Chrysler Corner for an Interceptor vehicle for the Sheriff’s Department even though initially Foss Ford had the low bid. Sheriff McBryde felt for the difference of $560 between the two bids, the Dodge Durango comes with a better warranty so that was his recommendation. After making his decision he contacted Chrysler Corner to see if they would agree to match the $29,955 bid by Foss and Chrysler Corner was willing to do so.

In other action items, the County Commissioners appointed Greg Freelove to the Southwest Guidance Center Board and approved the purchase of a replacement generator for the Seward county Emergency Management Department.

Several rural residents were before the County Commission to express their concerns over the handling of the recent fires. No action was taken as it was a discussion only agenda item.

No action was also taken on the Public Information Officer, Emergency Operations Center or the request for an Administrative Assistant in Emergency Management.