Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Tree Match Funds

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and among the items on the agenda, approved suspending the City’s Tree Rebate program for 1 year and transferring those funds to the City’s Tree Match program. This would make additional funding available for citizens to purchase up to 4 trees at the cost of $25 with the City matching the other $25. Trees should be available at the Parks Department around April 1st on a first come, first serve basis.

The Commission also approved a Memorandum of Understanding eith USD 480 regarding the Educational Facilities Infrastructure Project and enter into Escrow Trust Agreement with USD 480 and designated 1st National Bank of Liberal as the Escrow Agent.

The City will host a public meeting on Thursday at 5:30pm at the Mahuron Park Building to once again discuss the 6 Points Intersection.