The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and started the meeting off by proclaiming Girl Scout Cookie Month.
The Commission then amended Ordinance 4478 by adding the legal description to the RHID and Plan for Phase 2 of the A & V Duplex project.
The Commission then approved improvements to the City’s Public Water Supply including the loan agreements, the Revenue Source to repay the loans and the Administrative Services Agreement with Ranson Financial Consultants, LLC.
Commissioners approved the replacement of an HVAC Unit for the Municipal Court in the amount of $10,986.00 from Luck Refrigeration of Liberal. Heco Heating and Air bid the unit and actually had the lower bid, but Luck Refrigeration offered better warranties for the unit.
The City Commission also approved several street project. A mill and overlay of 15th Street from Kansas Avenue to just East of Western Avenue. This project will be completed in 2017. Street improvements to the Hickory, Warren, Walnut, Seward, Griffith, Charles, Larry Streets, and Cain Court in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement with USD 480. As a result of City inspection and a Public meeting that was held, the City of Liberal will also make improvements to Rollie Road, Freeman Street and Cedar Street with talks continuing with KDOT on other concerns in the former 6 points location. This would include turning rdius’, speed limits, and a possible deceleration lane. The City met with KDOT in Liberal on February 6, while at the same time the Mayor, County Commissioners, and State Representatives met with KDOT in Topeka. Both meeting were deemed very positive. The City plans on hold another public meeting March 2nd with updates.
The Commission appointed Carol Dearing to the Liberal Memorial Library Board, and due to the annual trip to Washington DC and having the lack of a quorum, move the April 25th meeting to April 26.
The State of the City Address is scheduled for Tuesday February 21 at 6:00pm at Seward County Community College.