Live tryouts for the International Pancake Day Talent Show have returned in 2017,
along with other exciting changes! Some of those other changes include:
Preliminary Show and Finals Show on the same weekend.
Changes in Contestant group act limitations.
Additional ways for entry form submittal.
The Preliminary Show will take place on Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 12:00 pm
with check-in starting at 10 am. Twenty-five acts will be picked to compete in the
Finals Show the next day, Sunday February 26, 2017 at 3:00 pm.
The changes affecting the group act limitations will allow contestants to enter as
many acts in the Preliminary Show as they want. A contestant can only be in 1
solo act, or 2 duet acts in the Finals Show. A contestant may be in an unlimited
number of group acts in the Finals Show, however.
The entry fee has been kept at $35.00 per act again this year. 100% of the entry
fees are used for prize money which is guaranteed to be at least $2,710.00. There
are four ways to enter, mailed (must be postmarked by Monday 2/13/2017); hand
delivered, (no later than 5 pm on Friday 2/17/2017; Online or Emailed. For details
and more information about the 2017 Pancake Day Talent Show, including tickets
and prices, you may call JoAnn at 624-6423 or the Pancake Day web-site