Seward County Commissioners Met Tuesday Evening for their regular meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the Commission heard from Martha Brown of the Seward County Health Department concerning a Health Officer. With the retirement of current Health Officer, Dr. Hubert Peterson, Martha stated that the search is ongoing to find a replacement.
Commissioners approved a contract with the town of Goodwell Oklahoma for solid waste disposal services at the Seward County Landfill, approved the fixed assests in Seward County and designated all banks in Liberal as bank depositories for Seward County in 2017.
Seward County Commissioners approved building usage waiver of fees for the following event:
Job Fair
Black History Dinner Activity Center
Southwest Miracles Ag Building
Pancake Day Activity Center
Childrens Healthy Fun Fair Ag Building
USD 480 Preschool applications Ag Building
Fish Fry Activity Center and Kitchen
Liberal Rape Crisis Event Ag Building
LHS After Prom Activity Center and Kitchen
National Day of Prayer Ag Building
LHS AP Testing Activity Center Meeting Rooms
SWMC Health Fair Activity Center and Kitchen
Alience Dinner Activity Center and Kitchen
Due to Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, the next meeting of the Commission will be January 17th, with the first meeting in February being moved to Feb. 7 because of the County’s participation in Pancakes at the Capitol in Topeka.