Tim Tebow Coming To Perryton TX

(Sarah Nishimuta Woodward News)

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is welcoming Tim Tebow, former football player and current outfielder for the New York Mets, to Perryton, Texas, Jan. 14, 2017 at Rodeo Nights.

The Tebow event is named Shaken after Tebow’s book.

“It’s a very good book,” said Event Coordinator Bryan Pool. “I read it a couple weeks ago and I recommend it to anybody.”

 The book discusses facing adversity and trusting in Christ to get through it, according to Pool.

There will be several events to choose from.

The Shaken Prayer Breakfast is at 8 a.m. and tickets are $10

The afternoon event, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., and the evening youth event, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., are $25 per ticket during which Tebow will speak and the Zach Williams band will perform.

A silent auction of autographed items will be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Jeremy Campbell, a Paralympic athlete, and Caleb Campbell, a former linebacker for the Detroit Lions, will be Tebow’s warm up speakers.

“They were local boys that grew up here in Perryton,” said Pool. “Caleb does motivational speaking. I’ve heard him before and I know he does a good job.”

 Tebow is a former Heisman Trophy winner at the University of Florida and played in the NFL with the Denver Broncos, New York Jets and New England Patriots. He is currently trying his hand at professional baseball.

This event aims to encourage the community during current hard times.

“This whole area is broken,” said Pool. “Oil and gas is down, the economy is just down, and everyone is kind of gloomy. We’re stubborn and we don’t give up but it doesn’t hurt for someone to come around and say keep your chin up and God is still hanging in there with you.”

Tickets are available online attimtebowperryton.eventbrite.com.

“We expect it to be a good thing for the whole area,” said Pool. “Everyone is excited about it.”

For more information go to www.woodwardnews.net