Live On Stage Presents Christmas Concert With Tenore

The Live On Stage Concert Association will be hosting a spectacular
Christmas Concert here in Liberal on Thursday, Dec. 1 st at 7:30 p.m. at the
Liberal High School auditorium. The group Tenoré unleashes a glorious
sound that breaks down musical barriers, draws together diverse cultures,
and celebrates a repertoire of lyrical sweetness and dramatic strength. They
enjoy a very special chemistry with each other and their enthusiastic
audiences . Tenoré, made up of Jason Catron, Mark David Williams and David
Wise – Have It All. They have wit, talent, charm and charisma in spades. And,
separate from other tenor groups, they add one additional component to
their sold out energizing performances – they regularly invite audiences
everywhere to sing along with them, creating a powerful concert experience.
For the concert here the group will be doing a special “Christmas With You”
concert. “We typically don’t have concerts during December due to the
hectic season, but we have had many requests to have a Christmas themed
concert and this schedule worked out perfectly and it will be a great way to
kick off the Christmas season” said Mike Brack, president of the Live On
Stage Concert Organization.
There are three concerts remaining in the yearly series. Besides the Tenoré
concert there is also the Victoria Banks (Country) Concert on January 29 th and
The All American Boys Chorus Concert on March 18, in 2017. Memberships
are only $60 per person or you may also purchase tickets for the Tenoré
concert for only $25 at the door. For further information you may call Mike
Brack at 620-482-0466 or Lu Haynes at 620-629-5450.