Trick or Treat for United Way was Spooktacular!

3rd2ndTrick or Treat for United Way on Sunday October 30th. “There were kids and parents lined up more than an hour before the event started,” said McKensie Hood, executive director of the Seward County United Way.

She explains how the event works. “This year we reached out to all businesses, community member and nonprofits to get involved. We ended up with 28 booths, which was 4 more than last year. For the second year in a row, United Way has a photo booth thanks to Lynn Wilson which is an United Way board member. The photos that were taken are available for free on the Seward County United Way facebook page. We were truly blown away this year by the community and business involvement and how awesome each booth looked this year. We had the Seward County Fire Department there with Sparky at their booth, as well as booths with spider webs, lights and so much more. Each agency and business that participates puts a lot of time and money into making this event a success for the kids and United Way.”

The first kid entered the door at 5 pm on Sunday evening and the last kid entered around 8 pm. “They just kept coming,” said Hood. “But it was truly a remarkable event that was full of energy, giggles, scares and lots of smiles.

The Trick or Treat for United Way had more than 1,750 kids and adults enter the doors at Southgate Mall. This was a huge increase from last year’s attendance being 1187.

Even though the line to get in went all the way down to the movie theatre at some points, many parents said the line moved fast and it was well worth the wait.

Don’t forget if your child got their picture taken at the event they are available on the Seward County United Way Facebook page for free. You are welcome to repost, print and share them with family and friends.

Hood said “Thank you to all that came out and set up a booth for you time and a big thank you to the parents and kids for coming out and supporting their community. We can only hope to grow the event more next year!”

Our first place booth winner was Mosiac, second place booth winner was the Senior Center and third place booth went to the Maldonado’s.

For more information about the Seward County United Way, call 624-5400, email [email protected] or go to