Pavement Resurfacing Project To Begin In Cimarron

The Kansas Department of Transportation expects a pavement reconstruction project on a portion of U.S. 50 (Avenue A) through Cimarron to begin on Monday, September 12, weather permitting. The project will replace the asphalt pavement with concrete from Ash Street to Cedar Street, continuing a series of geometric improvement projects through Cimarron that have replaced most of the asphalt pavement with concrete on U.S. 50 through town.
Two-way traffic will be maintained through the work zone and the Kansas DOT urges drivers to be alert, pay attention to all work zone warning signs, slow down when approaching a work zone and be prepared to stop.
J-A-G Construction Company of Dodge City is the primary contractor on this T-WORKS geometric improvement project at a cost of $643,000. The city of Cimarron is contributing about $93,000 of the cost. KDOT expects work on this project to be completed in December, depending on weather.
If you have questions on this project, you can call Joyce Muhlenbruch, Construction Engineer, at 620-227-6122 or Kirk Hutchinson, KDOT Southwest Public Affairs Manager, at 1-877-550-5368 (toll free).