City Commission Meets, Approves 2017 Budget

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 5:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the Commission had a public hearing on the 2017 Budget. After the hearing the City Commission approved the 2017 City of Liberal Budget. The 2017 City-wide budget reflects a decrease in the mill levy by .043 mills.

The Commission also approved Ordinance 4470 which establishes a Water Equipment Reserve Fund. This would allow the City to deposit monies on an annual basis into the water equipment reserve fund and have those funds available for equipment purchases at any time.

City Commissioners took a look at the water rates within the City, and with a Water system Improvement in the works, the commission approved a rate increase for water consumed. The last time there was an increase on water rates, was March 19, 2001. For the first 3000 gallons  used, the new water rate effective October 1, 2016 will now be $8.78, with additional gradual increases over the next 4 years. $8.78 in Liberal, compares to $20.09 in Garden City, $14.74 in Dodge City, and $24.63 in Hays KS.

The Commission also approved a Lease/Purchase of a new Street sweeper, approved the Final Plat, Hotel Addition for the new Holiday Inn Express, approved communication headsets for the helmets of the LPD motorcycle patrol, and approved the purchase of a new air conditioning unit from Luck Refrigeration for the Police Department.

At Tuesday’s meeting, the City Commission also approved Resolution 2245 which authorizes and directs the issuance, sale and delivery of General Obligation Temporary Notes Series 2016-1. These temporary notes are in an amount not to exceed $954,999.00 for interim construction financing for the development project in north Liberal.