The Liberal Chamber of Commerce will host a candidate Forum on Thursday July 7th at 6:00pm in the Rock Island Depot. The forum will also be broadcast on Talkradio 1270AM. The two contested races will be featured along with the other candidates who have no opposition in their respective races.
In County Commission District 1, incumbant CJ Wettstein will square off against challenger Cecil Milhon.
In the County Clerk race, incumbant Stacia Long will face her opponent Colleen Parmenter.
At the forum, the unopposed candidates will have a chance to speak and answer questions as well. They are:
County Commission District 5 candidate Jack Jacob
County Treasurer Kitty Romine
Register of Deeds Karen Warden
County Attorney Russell Hasenbank
Sheriff Bill McByde
Questions for the candidates can be submitted at the forum either in person or by calling 624-3855. Questions can also be emailed to the Chamber of Commerce.