Congressman Tim Huelskamp announced that an official representative specializing in Veterans casework will be available in Liberal on Wednesday, July 13 from 1:00 –2:00 p.m. at Liberal Memorial Library. He welcomes Veterans to come by if they are struggling to navigate bureaucratic red tape, to share concerns about the VA, or just to get helpful information about getting the care they have earned. Veterans seeking assistance are encouraged to schedule an appointment by contacting Congressman Huelskamp’s Dodge City office at 620-225-0172
Congressman Huelskamp serves on the House Veterans Affairs Committee and has led reform efforts at the VA. Tim uses these local office hours as a part of his effort to help Veterans – and his office has assisted more than 1,000 Veterans get the care and benefits they deserve.
Congressman Huelskamp said of the office hours:
“The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is one of our nation’s biggest, most bureaucratic agency. While I look forward to the day when the VA does their job, my staff is eager to help navigate the VA and their red tape. Veterans should be our first priority..”
Alan Younger of Salina sent the following feedback:
“Just came from a meeting in Salina with Allison Reed about Veterans information, very, very, helpful; good to know our congressman has employees like Allison. She was great and she was also going to help me on problems I’ve been having with elder care.”
Wednesday, July 13 from 1:00–2:00 p.m.
Liberal Memorial Library
519 North Kansas Avenue