Brownback Names Garden City Commissioner as Statewide Campaign Co-Chair

TOPEKA, KS – Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) today announced Garden City Commissioner Reynaldo Mesa will serve as a Statewide Campaign Co-Chair for his 2010 run for Governor of Kansas.

Born and raised in Garden City, Mesa was first elected to the City Commission in 1999 and has since served three terms as Mayor. Mesa is Treasurer and Co-Founder of Garden City Downtown Vision Inc, which works towards revitalizing the city’s downtown area. He also serves on the Great Plains Development Board and is President of the Kiwanis Sunrisers.

A 2002 Leadership Kansas Graduate, Mesa was instrumental in establishing the Southwest Kansas Coalition Group which includes Garden City, Dodge City and Liberal, creating a regional and lobbying effort for Southwest Kansas. He is employed with Cox Communications Kansas/Arkansas as a Government and Public Affairs Manager, Western Region. Mesa and his wife, Ellen, have three children and are members of the St. Mary Church. His parents are the late Tony and Josephine Mesa.

Mesa will serve as Co-Chair of Brownback’s Statewide Campaign with John Petersen of Overland Park, former finance chair for Governor Bill Graves, and Wichita City Councilwoman Sue Schlapp.

Former Kansas Senator Bob Dole and United States Senator Pat Roberts will head up Brownback’s national campaign team while each of the Kansas congressional districts will be co-chaired by the 2008 Republican nominees including Rep. Jerry Moran (1st), Rep. Lynn Jenkins (2nd), former state senator Nick Jordan (3rd) and Rep. Todd Tiahrt (4th).

First elected to Congress in 1994 and then to the United States Senate in 1996, Sen. Brownback announced earlier this year he will honor his term limit pledge and not seek re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2010.