Davis Makes Laker Girls Squad

Erica Davis, daughter of Chuck and Donetta Davis, Liberal, and Teri Davis, Kansas City, MO, has made the Laker Girl squad for the 2009-2010 season.

Davis competed against over 500 girls to earn one of the 22 coveted spots on the squad. Davis had previously tried out two other times, finally making it on her third attempt.

Davis is also a 2009 Chivas Girl for a professional soccer team and was chosen in 2006 as a New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets Girl.

In 2008 Erica was chosen from a field of over 200 girls to represent the Debbie Reynolds Talent Agency. Erica is a 2001 graduate of Liberal High School and then earned a nursing degree from Oklahoma Christian University. She is currently working as a fulltime RN in Los Angeles.