The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday night and the main action item was the 09-10 budget.
A variety of possible local cuts and revenue ideas were talked about at the meeting. Possibly cutting some of the bus routes was discussed, however that discussion died and the idea of possibly charging a fee to ride the bus was also talked about as a revenue source to help offset state cuts. The board didn’t take any immediate action on this but asked the administration to look into more details about the idea.
The board also discussed cutting summer school, which could save the district $150,000. However, there was not enough support to go on with the topic.
A motion was then made to accept the proposal for the 09-10 budget which includes raising the mill levy by 2.488 mills, which is a property tax increase. The board approved this 5-2 with Cheryl Louderback and Reid Petty opposing.
The board also approved the bills, certified and classified resignations, employment, and transfers.
The board will next meet on Monday, August 24.