End of School Year Moved Up at USD 480 Schools

There are some significant changes to the end of the school year and the 2016 Summer School Session.

The final day of school for USD 480 students has changed.

The USD 480 Board of Education and administration has approved a change to the 2015-2016 school calendar. The last day of school has been changed to Wednesday, May 18th. The original calendar listed Thursday, May 19th as the final day of school. May 19th will now become a teacher work day (in addition to the originally scheduled teacher work day of May 20th). This extra work day will allow teachers who are transitioning to new buildings next year a day to prepare for the move.

There will be no summer school programs for students in Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade.
Liberal High School will have credit recovery classes and summer drivers education.
Dates: June 6 to June 30 (4 days week)
Time: TBD by LHS Administrative Staff
The summer lunch program will run in June and July. Look for details from the Food Service Director, Connie Vogts very soon.