Sexual Assault Awareness Month at SCCC

Sexual violence is a widespread problem, but the good news is that it is preventable. Individuals, communities, and the private sector can take action in many ways to promote safety, respect, and equality.

“At SCCC, we will take time this month to promote awareness, safety and security,” said Vice President of Student Services Celeste Donovan. “It’s a difficult subject to address, but we feel it’s very important for our students to be aware, and to know they have support from the College.”

Partnering with the Liberal Area Rape Crises and Domestic Violence Services (LARCDVS), the College has planned four activities for April:

* An informative display located outside the SCCC library. It portrays the widespread ramifications of sexual assault, Donovan noted, and action steps victims and advocates can take.

* Film screening of the documentary “The Hunting Ground” at 6 p.m. Monday in room AA138 of the Hobble Academic Builidng. “ film is an exposé of rape crimes on US college campuses, their institutional cover-ups, and the devastating toll they take on students and their families,” said Donovan. “It can be hard to watch, but it’s important.”

* “Lunch and Learn” program at noon Wednesday (April 13) in room 214 of the Student Union. The LARCDVS will present information about sexual violence, local services for victims, and community awareness.

* “Campus Climate Survey” administered to the students of SCCC will assess the safety and security of our campus in regards to sexual misconduct.

For information about the events planned, contact Donovan at 620-417-1016.