Completion Date Nears for Redskin Field Project

In case you haven’t noticed, Redskin Field and the land east of it are getting their first major facelifts in 42 years. USD 480 Director of Auxilliary Services Alan Haskell says things are going along smoothly at this point. “I think we’re pretty well on schedule,” Haskell said. “We’ve set some completion dates and I think we’ll push those a little bit.” Haskell says the field, track, and west side bleachers should be complete August 14 with completion of the east bleachers set for August 30. The West Middle School track should be complete September 15. The asphalt for the track at Redskin Field and east of Redskin Field has been down for a couple of weeks. The polyurithane surfaces on both tracks will be installed after the artificial turf is down. The Haskell says he expects the turf to be laid next week (July 27-31). The Redskin logo will be on the center of the field with red endzones, white letter, and black border on a slant. The district will be given a self propelled “groomer” to treat the field once a week. Haskell says the coaches who use the field will be informed not to use the same area of the field daily. The middle bleachers are complete but Haskell says there is much more work to be done on the bleachers. “The bleacher people are making me nervous again after the deal we went through last year,” Haskell said. They were scheduled to be here Tuesday and delayed that to Thursday. They did have a small crew in Wednesday taking the old railing down. From my understanding, it’s about a 10 to 12 day job for the home side and about a seven day venture to finish the visiting side.” Haskell said they are getting ready to move the east bleacher back onto the new piers. The toe boards will be painted red and black on both sides. The bleachers and hand rails will all be aluminum. Haskell says it was time for the improvements. “We’re going to have more multiple uses of Redskin Field now. That field will be available 12 months a year instead of three.” Haskell also notes that all 6-A and 5-A football field west of Wichita have artificial turf fields now. Soccer and football games will be played on the new turf.