Recently a revision of Liberal Municipal Code 14-307, Park in Yard was approved. The amendment changed the current Park in Yard Ordinance by adding parking in front yard, rear yard, corner side yards and zoned districts concerning commercial and industrial property. It also gives definition for a reinforced surface to help with any confusion.
The Liberal Police Department has recently been doing an information campaign. Orange flyers are being placed on vehicles that are in violation of the ordinance so the owner of the property can correct the problem before the ordinance becomes effective on August 25, 2016.
The ordinance now reads as follows:
It is unlawful in the City of Liberal, Kansas to park a motor vehicle, heavy haul commercial truck, vehicle of similar bulk, and trailers upon the portion of premises upon which is located a single family, or multi-family between the street and the front set back line of such residence facing such street commonly referred to as the front yard, and between the rear of the structure and the back property line, commonly referred to as the rear yard, if there is not a fence of at least 6 feet in height (privacy fence) that restricts the view to the public.
It shall also be unlawful to park a motor vehicle, heavy haul truck, vehicle of similar bulk and trailers upon the portion of the premises upon which is located a residence that is considered a corner lot, or residence that abuts an alley or utility easement between the street, alley or utility easement and the side setback line of such residence commonly referred to as the side yard.
In districts zoned commercial and industrial areas as per the City of Liberal’s official zoning map, it is unlawful in the city of Liberal, Kansas, to park a motor vehicle heavy haul commercial truck, heavy haul commercial trailers, vehicle of similar bulk, and trailers upon the portion of the premises upon which the main use of the property, or lot, are not intended for use of the these vehicles.
Empty lots not owned by the owner of the person(s) parking any motor vehicle, heavy haul commercial truck, heavy haul commercial trailers, vehicle of similar bulk and trailers shall be prohibited within the city limits without written consent of the owner of the property and shall only be in districts zoned commercial or industrial areas of the city. If the owners of the property in commercial or industrial districts within the City of Liberal are willing to allow the property to be used to park heavy haul commercial trailers, vehicles of similar bulk and trailers, the property shall be approved by the building department for the City of Liberal for said use. In said commercial or industrial districts the surface shall be of a material such as asphalt, concrete, asphaltic concrete, dustless rock or gravel or other equivalent material designed for the weight of equipment by a Kansas State Licensed Engineer.
It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to drive across another’s property not owned by the registered owner of the vehicle that has not been designated by the City of Liberal as a city street, city right of way, alley or utility easement.
This section shall not apply to any parking area, driveway, or loading area which is graded and covered with a non-vegetation/non-grass hard surface, such as asphalt, concrete, asphaltic concrete, or other equivalent material. If such parking area, driveway or loading area complies with applicable zoning regulations.
Such surfaces as dustless gravel and rock can also be used with the following requirements and permission from the building department:
A minimum depth of four (4) inches for gravel or rock with a vegetation barrier under the rock or gravel.
A clearly defined edge shall be used to clarify the distinction between parking spaces and grass front, side and rear yard.
The clearly defined edge can include landscape timers, pavers, concrete edges, railroad ties. The inspector or code enforcement personnel shall clearly delineate between the parking area and grass for the front yard, side yard, and rear yard area
Brick or pavers are acceptable and shall clearly define an edge that can clearly delineate between the parking area and grass or front yard, side yard and rear yard area.