UPDATE: Former Liberal, Tyrone Teacher Arrested

UPDATE:On December 2015, Texas County Sheriff Matt Boley, was contacted by the Superintendent of Tyrone, Oklahoma School Distrct. The Superintendent reported that he had been made aware of an inappropriate relationship between a Tyrone Public School teacher and a student. The Superintendent reported that through his investigation he was able to gather enough information that he needed to report his findings to law enforcement. The Superintendent reported the teacher was immediately placed on administrative leave.

Texas County Sheriff’s Investigator, Andrea Walter was assigned to the investigation. Through interviews and other evidence, the investigation uncovered multiple violations of Oklahoma Statutes and these findings were presented to District One, District Attorney’s Office.

On January 21, 2016 a felony arrest warrant was issued by the court for the arrest of Claire Louise Torres, 27, of Liberal KS. Bond on the arrest warrant was set at $100,000. The felony warrant includes 5 counts of rape and 22 counts of indecent exposure.

On January 22, 2016 Torres was taken into custody in Seward County Kansas. Torres declined to sign a waiver of extradition,to the State of Oklahoma, and was released on a $25,000 Fugitive of Justice Bond. Oklahoma authorities will now apply for a Governors warrant to have Torres returned to the State of Oklahoma.


According to an affidavit filed Thursday in the Texas County Court, a warrant was issued for former Tyrone and Liberal teacher and coach, Claire Louise Torres on 27 felony counts. Counts 1 through 5 are Rape in the 2nd degree, with Counts 6 through 27, Indecent Exposure. These counts involve a male not less than 16, and not older than 20. A $100,000 bond was set with the condition Ms. Torres has no contact with the alleged victim. She has been taken into custody and is currently in the Seward County Jail. The investigation is ongoing.