City Commission Meets, Approves Kansas Avenue Reconstruction

At Tuesday evening’s City Commission meeting , Commissioners issued 2 Proclamations. The 1st was Proclaiming November 1st as National Family Literacy Day and the 2nd was Proclaiming November as National American Indian Heritage Month.

The City also accepted the bid from Central States Capitol for the refinance of the General Obligation Bonds at an interest rate of 1.25%. This will save the City $122,903.56 over the life of the bonds.

Commissioners also approved the using Wastewater funds for a repayment source for the loan agreements between KDH&E and the City of Liberal, and approved Smoky Hills LLC to put in the interceptor line for the City along Tucker Road. Previous contractor, Nowak Constuction backed out of the previous agreement when it was discovered the did not bid up to specifications.

The City Commission approved the reconstruction of Kansas Avenue from Pine Street to Tucker Road using a mill and overlay process, and also upgrading all the lighting along the route. J&R Sand will be the contractor on the road work. Total price tag for the project will be around $2,500,000.00.

For the Convention and Visitor Bureau, Commissioners moved Pam McElvain from a lodging representative to a restaurant rep, appointed Rosa Castenada to a lodging position on the board, and Claudia Garcia to fill another lodging position.