480 Board Gives Permission to Hire Temporary Teachers

With a shortage of teachers at USD 480 schools, the school board approved a plan to temporarily ease the situation. The board met Monday night and gave the district authority to hire 26 para professionals to temporarily replace teachers. The district has moved some ESL and Title 1 teachers to classrooms. This is temporary so when a certified teacher is hired, the temporary para position goes away.

The district’s contract with Coca Cola ends September 15. But the board approved Coke over Pepsi products in a contract which lasts five years. The district will use Coke products for vending and concessions. Each year, Coke will pay the district 5-thousand dollars.

The estimate for roof damage from the Memorial Day weekend hail storm is 1,311,857.70 for only roof damage after baseball sized hail hit the area.

The board approved an interlocal agreement with the Kansas Children’s Service League to handle Head Start at USD 480 schools.