Liberal City Commission To Meet

The Liberal City Commission is scheduled to meet Tuesday night, July 14, at 6:30 in the City Commission Chambers. This is their regulaly scheduled meeting. On the agenda for the commissions consideration is the first reading of an ordinance addressing the vacation of a utility easement for 404 and 405 Harold Court. Also on the agenda is the East 8th Street Project. If the project is approved by the commission, KDOT would award the the project, to the low bidder, J & R Sand of Liberal in the amount of $1,844,639.72. If approved the city would have to prepay their portion of $443,00.00. The commission will also have two Public Hearings. The first hearing deals with the commission Authorizing staff to Apply for the HOME Homeowner Rehabilitation Application from the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation, the secondwould give staff the Authorization for the submittal of a 2010 USDA Section 523 USDA Mutual Self Help Housing Technical Assistance Grant. As always the City Commission Meetings are open to the public.