The USD 480 school board met last night and recognized their teachers of the year. Dane Parcel, an IRC teacher at Sunflower is the USD 480 Elementary Teacher of the Year. Zeb Tiedeman, a band instructor at West Middle School, is the USD 480 Secondary Teacher of the Year. Both will be entered in a state competition next year.
JE Dunn Construction updated the board on the building projects for the new schools. Everything is on schedule. Eisenhower Middle School on north Western is having work done on its new locker room area. Later this month the company will bring in steel for the building. Prairie View Elementary at Pine and Highway 54 has recently had some plumbing and sewer aspects on the building constructed.
Adolescent Support Services Ivanhoe Love Jr. reported to the board about the third year of the truancy court. The program will be in its fourth year next year with the school district, county, and city each picking up one third of the cost.
The board also approved the hand book for the alternative school and focus school.