The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regular meeting. First before the Commission was the recognition of Captain Pat McClurg. Officer McClurg recently was awarded the VFW’s local, district, state, and national Officer of the Year Award for his exemplary service and dedication as a Law Enforcement Officer.
Several Students from McKinley Elementary School’s second grade classes came before the Commission with a desire for the City to work on fixing potholes across the city. The Commission assured the students the potholes would be taken care of.
The Commission also condemned properties at 118 S. Kansas, 619 N. Missouri, and 1014 N. Pennsylvania for being unsafe, dangerous and not up to City Codes.
The Commission unanimously approved naming the new sports complex the National Beef Family Sports Complex, and also entered into an agrrement with Perryton Iron and Metal LLC to rent a portion of the old Liberal Iron and Metal facility to put in a metals recyclying business.
Next on the agenda, were the presentation of the Award Plaques to outgoing commissioners Janet Willimon and Ron Warren, and then the swearing in of the newly elected commissioners, Dean Aragon, Tony Martinez, and Jack Carlile. After the commissioners were sworn in and seated, it came time to select a Mayor and Vice-Mayor. The Commission chose Joe Denoyer to continue to serve as Mayor and Dean Aragon as Vice-Mayor.
After a 10 minute recess, the Commission moved to a second reading Ordinance 4453, which is a Lease Purchase agrrement for a Fire Pumper Truck and tandem axle truck, and accepted a donation of $800 from the High Plains Heritage Foundation to create a bike safety program.