Phon-a-Thon at SCCC/ATS Starts Strong

With help from Saints baseball players, the annual Seward County Community College/Area Technical School Phonathon had a successful “first inning” March 23, as students, faculty and staff manned the phones to reach out to community members and alumni and raise money for student scholarships. In all, the baseball team raised more than $10,000 in just two hours.

“We’re off to a great start,” said Charity Horinek, SCCC/ATS Associate Director of Institutional Advancement, “and it’s just the first week of the Phonation.”

College President Dr. Duane Dunn shared the sense of excitement.

“Wednesday evening I had a chance to work the Phonathon with students from Phi Theta Kappa,” Dunn said. “They raised around $3,000, and I’m very proud of them.”

This year’s goal is $40,000, which will be used to fund student scholarships.

Phonathon 2015 will continue through April 10, with a long list of student organizations and academic groups signed up to help. These include the Student Government Association, Student Nursing Association, the Block & Bridle agriculture club, athletic teams and more.

Employees also pitch in to help, with deans, instructors and staff on the line to raise community support for scholarships at SCCC/ATS.

It’s a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun, said Horinek, “and it all makes SCCC/ATS a great place to be.”